La provincia di Torino ha affidato a Sertec Engineering Consulting il progetto di sistemazione del versante in frana con galleria paramassi in località “Ca’ di Spagna” nel comune di Pessinetto
La provincia di Torino ha affidato a Sertec Engineering Consulting il progetto di sistemazione del versante in frana con galleria paramassi in località “Ca’ di Spagna” nel comune di Pessinetto
Sono partiti nelle scorse settimane i lavori di ripascimento del litorale di Borgo Prino a Imperia in vista della bella stagione, oggi è arrivata un’ulteriore spinta con la riqualificazione dell’intera zona attraverso la rigenerazione della passeggiata lungomare.
Sono partiti nelle scorse settimane i lavori di ripascimento del litorale di Borgo Prino a Imperia in vista della bella stagione, oggi è arrivata un’ulteriore spinta con la riqualificazione dell’intera zona attraverso la rigenerazione della passeggiata lungomare.
We congratulate our engineer @Daniele Koetting who won the award “MODEST MODEL COMPETITION with the project of the “New Production Plant on behalf of OSAI Automation System SPA @osai, that will be built in the municipality of Samone. (Turin)”.
Sertec has been entrusted with the design of three thousand eight hundred of production space, with maximum attention to the materials for a NEW AND GREEN PROJECT that plans to install a large photovoltaic system on the roof in order to create an energy autonomous plant.
Since the winning of the competition in 2018, in order to realize a Carema Wine enhancement Center within the fortified house called “Gran Masun”, on Sunday 3 July the opening of the Wine Museum.
#PaesEuropa | As usual there was the traditional national conference of Young Entrepreneurs and it was dedicated to the future of the European Union. Two days of discussion with institutions, politics, businesses and associations.
We offer you a short video story of “Design for the next community”, an event organized by the Municipality of Ivrea, which took place from September 18th, 2020 to September 27th,2020 within the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Rooms filled with natural light interior spaces designed as a continuation of the exterior ones, openness to the territory and thus to the local community, for a school that intends to regain its role based on collaboration, sharing and education of young and old citizens.