Client: Consorzio Irriguo di Chivasso
Budget: € 10.409.514,45
Hydraulic Design: Sertec srl
Structure Design: Sertec srl
Electrical Design: Sertec srl
The Chivasso Irrigation Consortium has entrusted Sertec Engineering Consulting with the task of designing the works to complete the lining of the consortium canals. The affected sections fall within the municipalities of Chivasso, Caluso, Mazzè, Rondissone and Verolengo.
The project has as its central objective the identification of the most effective solution that presents the best relationship between costs and benefits for the community, in relation to the specific needs to be satisfied and services to be provided.
It should be noted that, previously, due to the long distances of the main canal first and then of the branch cables, both mostly in the ground, this led to a notable loss of pumped water, mostly through direct infiltration, estimated at more by 35%. This loss, considering that it involves water pumped with the high cost of current electricity, did not allow the Consortium to invest the revenues from the fees in extraordinary maintenance works.
Therefore, in order to keep the Consortium alive, which currently provides irrigation to approximately 1650 hectares and therefore contributes to maintaining the agricultural activities of approximately 1600 consortium members, it was essential to design a more flexible and rational irrigation system that on the one hand it allows to reduce the quantity of water necessary for correct and sufficient irrigation, avoiding waste, and on the other it also leads to a significant reduction in pumping costs.
The ultimate aim of the project presented is therefore to reduce as much as possible the losses of the precious water resource pumped at high cost from the Dora Baltea.
In addition to the irrigation reason, there is also a reason linked to safety, in particular in relation to the SP81 provincial road, which was subject to local flooding of the main cable running alongside the provincial road itself, thus becoming sources of potential dangers to traffic.