Client: Comune di Ollomont
Budget: € 355.724,16
Structure Design: Sertec srl
Electrical Design: Sertec srl
Construction Management: Sertec srl
Safety: Sertec srl
Sertec Engineering Consulting developed the project for the implementation of safety works in the Ollomont mines, in the Balme and Saint-Jean areas, as part of the Interreg. V A “Italy-Switzerland 2014-2020” cooperation program.
When dealing with the mining theme, it is impossible not to take into consideration the geological themes that characterize the deposit, highlighting the main peculiarities of the site. In particular, the evolution and genesis of the copper deposit, the aspects of mineral cultivation and, more generally, the Alpine orogeny were examined in depth. Another extremely interesting and characterizing aspect is the geometry of the deposit and the cultivation techniques adopted. Finally, it was also considered appropriate to focus on the mineralogical and petrographic characteristics of the minerals present, examining their characteristics and peculiarities in depth.
The planned works, aimed at the redevelopment of the mining site through conversion for tourism purposes, include minimal interventions that will specifically affect the external areas, the internal areas, the electrical system and water regulation of both the premises of the site, St. Jean and Balme. The planned interventions are summarized below:
♦ manual scaling of the rock face and the overlying slope in the external areas
♦ wooden staircase
♦ arrangement of the forecourt
♦ drainage of the mine entrance water
♦ supply of electricity and drinking water
♦ mine entrance