transform the entire tourist-territorial system in a sustainable development perspective
Client: Comune di Imperia
Budget: € 87.892.139,68
Infrastructural Design: Sertec srl
The project is part of a territorial context of considerable landscape value, among the cycle paths of greatest regional and national interest, such as the Via del Ticino and Lago Maggiore which also includes the suggestive Lago Maggiore. Second in Italy for surface area and characterized by natural landscapes of extraordinary beauty, Lago Maggiore represents one of the most suggestive places in Piedmont and constitutes a showcase of great importance not only for the region, but also for the entire Italian panorama. The construction of the Lago Maggiore cycle path not only aims to guarantee the safety of the numerous cyclists (and also walkers) who already travel the busy roads around the lake, reducing conflicts, but above all it aims to transform the entire tourist-territorial system in a sustainable development perspective, at the same time relaunching the regional economy.
The possibility of moving by bicycle in a pleasant and safe way for residents, tourists and commuters is fundamental for the strategic-tourist positioning and cannot be missing from Lago Maggiore. The creation of the cycle path represents an opportunity for enhancement at a landscape-environmental level that responds to environmental emergencies, linked to the reduction of fuel use and pollutant emissions, but also to socio-cultural emergencies. The general objective is to promote the use of bicycles for both tourist mobility and systematic mobility, reducing traffic congestion and making sustainable mobility more competitive. At the same time, the creation of the cycle path interconnects the network of commercial and recreational services, as well as the railway stations of the municipalities involved, thus contributing to the overall growth of the territory.