Client: Comune di Vado Ligure
Budget: € 7.307.613,78
Architectural Design: ATELIER (S) ALFONSO FEMIA
Structural Design: Sertec srl
MEP Design: Sertec srl
The project involves the construction of a sports center for the city of Vado Ligure. The project involves the inclusion of a new multidisciplinary center within which there is a sports hall for approximately 1,700 spectators with a basketball court, volleyball court for Serie A sports competitions, and adjacent to the center, a 39x20m outdoor synthetic soccer field. The project includes a functional layout and a careful study that takes into account numerous functions required of a sports facility of this size. The proposed solution, thanks also to integrated design, solves problems arising from safety needs with architectural elements. The general objective of the project is to create a structure that is configured as a hub of aggregation and attraction at a regional level in consideration of the visibility and tradition of a location like Vado Ligure in the context of eastern Liguria. A truly multifunctional facility that allows for the integration of sports-recreational activities and social-cultural events, capable of enhancing both the occasional event with large attendance of the public and the daily use by local and competitive users.
A multifunctional complex finds its economic balance point in the measure of its management capacity to know how to exploit, in the daily use, the offer of the spaces of the facility in a very wide range of time slots and during all seasons of the year, alternating the functions in a flexible and agile way, following and anticipating the sporting, socialization and entertainment behaviors of its target users.
The project program proposes the following activities:
♦ sport as a competitive practice: matches, tournaments, training
♦ sport as a training practice: introductory courses to sport for different groups of users (children, teenagers, adults), seasonal training campuses, body care (fitness, yoga, dance, aerobics, weight training)
♦ amateur activity: demonstration sports events, games and free activities