Client: Torino Football Club
Budget: € 5.436.289,00
Partner: Arch. Giovanni Roluti
Architectural Design: Arch. Giovanni Roluti
Infrastructural Design: Sertec srl
Electrical Design: Sertec srl
The Torino Football Club company has entrusted Sertec Engineering Consulting with the demolition project of the old «Robaldo» sports center for the construction of a new sports center serving the youth sector of the Torino Football Club.
The intervention is aimed at completion, renovation, safety and compliance according to C.O.N.I. requirements. as well as fire prevention requirements and the demolition of the architectural barriers of the existing sports facility which is redeveloped while maintaining its identity and general conformation despite having to demolish current structures currently used as a changing room as well as ancillary rooms already used as a bar and gym which remain on the area for technical and economic reasons.
The new sports center planned includes the following interventions:
♦ renovation of all outdoor football pitches with synthetic grass
♦ adaptation of the lighting towers of fields 1-2-4
♦ installation of new lighting towers on fields 3-5
♦ construction of covered grandstands with prefabricated and modular steel structures attached to pitches 1-3
♦ renovation of all perimeter fences at the football pitches
♦ arrangement and safety of external protective fences.
Two new buildings will also be built, a first rectangular-shaped building for the exclusive use of changing rooms between fields 4 and 5 and a new pentagonal-shaped main building for changing rooms and services.
The structural typology adopted in the project includes direct reinforced concrete foundations. with prefabricated plinths connected to each other by continuous perimeter and transversal beams resting on a reinforced concrete foundation. The load-bearing elevated structures are made up of prefabricated reinforced concrete pillars supporting beams. The roof slab is flat with prefabricated lightweight elements with an upper integrative cast, while the stands for spectators are in a prefabricated and modular metal structure with a metal roof too.