promote sustainable mobility within the Union of Municipalities
Client: Unione di Comuni Nora e Bithia
Budget: € 1.473.268,39
Partners: Ing. Pisano e Ing. Farigu
Infrastructural Design: Sertec srl – Ing. Farigu
Construction Management: Ing. Pisano
Safety: Sertec srl – Ing. Farigu
The project called Unione in Bici mainly concerns the arrangement of a cycle/pedestrian network alongside the main connecting roads between the five towns (Sarroch, Villa San Pietro, Pula, Domus de Maria and Teulada) in order to promote sustainable mobility within the Union of Municipalities.
The Municipality of Sarroch will be crossed by the cycle path foreseen in the Regional Plan and two branches will be built from it towards the South, one in the urban area that will connect the area of Monte Arrubiu, one in the extra-urban area that will serve the Torre Zavorra and then continue partly towards Monte Mereu and Villa San Pietro, and partly towards the Torre del Diavolo, flanking the coast. A further project is planned to connect the urban center of Villa San Pietro, with Punta Perde e’ Sali. To the north of the municipality, a branch is planned that from the cycle path planned by the regional plan will rejoin the section from the Municipality of Villa San Pietro to reach the entrance to the Gutturu Mannu Park and the Perda ‘e Accuzzai site.
The intervention planned for the Municipality of Villa San Pietro aims to connect the regional route that will cross the town center and the planned cycle path (project of the Metropolitan City). Two routes are planned within the town center. The new cycle/pedestrian path along the Bia Monti local road planned by the Municipality of Villa San Pietro, extends along the entire length of the road infrastructure for a total length of 3100 meters. The project is located in the agricultural territory of the Municipality and runs along the road that connects the town center with the access areas to the Gutturu Mannu regional park.
The Municipality of Teulada plans, through the resources from the Territorial Programming (PST), the construction of a section of cycle path that connects the route foreseen by the PIA 2010 project with the Port, flanking the sites of Sant’Isidoro, Montenieddu, the Peschiera wetland, the beach and the Torre del Budello. Furthermore, in order to improve safety, traffic flow and the landscape quality of some sections and areas of the coast, the infrastructure of some panoramic points is planned, near the route of the new cycle path. These areas, due to their natural orographic and planimetric-altimetric conformation and position, are those that best lend themselves to being enhanced as panoramic points.