Client: Comune di Catania
Budget: € 6.585.068,43
Infrastructural Design: Sertec srl
Urban Design: Sertec srl
The main objective of the project is to restore a cycling infrastructure that is a valid alternative to the use of cars and private means of transport. To achieve this, design solutions were planned that would put cyclist safety at the center of the choices made. The success of the project and therefore of the cycle paths would have positive repercussions on the city of Catania from an economic, social and strategic perspective.
The project is intended as a tool for the enhancement and regeneration of cities, as better, more liveable, healthier and safer cities can be achieved through the introduction of soft mobility networks. Furthermore, through the design of traffic calming interventions, it was possible to address the issue of the quality of urban public spaces, very often invaded by cars, with the aim of carrying out a redevelopment to encourage more conscious and articulated uses in a context of optimal coexistence between its users.
A first element on which attention has been paid is an analysis of accidents and safety, resulting from a careful study by the PGTU of the City of Catania, to identify the major critical issues present within the city’s road infrastructure network, and propose solutions to resolve these issues. When a cycle path encounters or crosses spaces where vehicles with greater mass and speed move, it is appropriate to provide structural measures to limit vehicle speeds and adequate warning signs. The project aims to propose “separated spaces when necessary” and “make circulation spaces recognizable” with standard and uniform structural measures. Therefore, “speed slowing devices” are inserted in the design phase to be able to share spaces safely, vehicle speeds must remain moderate, especially avoiding sudden accelerations and speed peaks capable of generating temporary dangerous situations. In order to improve road safety, the use of signage is of fundamental importance, as it increases the safety and usability of cycle routes, providing users with rules of conduct, direction and other useful information.